Day 43
Today we woke up to rain! It looks like rain is the souths “snow”. And they are getting plenty of it. We have decided today that we are going to give Demopolis a try and stay here for awhile. We find out that the library is closed on Sundays, so we are going to reserve the courtesy car and go into town for the newspaper. We reserved it for 5pm and by that time, the rain had stopped. We made our usual trip to Walmart and then to the movie gallery where we rented both Kill Bill DVD’s. Interesting movie. Anyway, after locating a paper, we find out that the Demopolis Times only runs from Tuesday until Saturday with no Sunday paper. Tuscaloosa has a Sunday edition, but is 50 miles from Demopolis and not practical with only one car between us. The classifieds of the Demopolis times is very slim and consists mainly of the Work From Home advertisements. So we decide that maybe we need to look online tomorrow. Maybe the Chamber of Commerce website will have something on their homepage like other cities do. Or perhaps a website search engine can help us out...
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