Big River

Welcome to the Journal of our adventures along the trip down the Mississippi... It contains accounts of actual happenings... at least the parts we can tell you!! The trip entails 2 months of marine living while we traverse the Mississippi & Tennesse riverways, as well as the coast of Florida. Thank you for visiting, and don't forget to drop us a note!

Friday, December 03, 2004

Day 41

Today was another lazy day. It looks like we are going to be here through the weekend. Grant heard Jim (Boat=Trust Me) say that he was looking to leave on Monday and I think that we are going to try and follow his lead. We might even try and travel with him. Tabbie went into town again today and spent some time at the library. Grant hung around the boat until the afternoon. Then we both went into town to do some grocery shopping and the usual Wal-mart run. We are going to be looking at getting to Pensacola within the next week or two. Christmas is drawing near and we are not sure about when and if we are going to be home. It was a nice day today, partly cloudy with a very cold wind, but no rain. Tomorrow should be the same.


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