Big River

Welcome to the Journal of our adventures along the trip down the Mississippi... It contains accounts of actual happenings... at least the parts we can tell you!! The trip entails 2 months of marine living while we traverse the Mississippi & Tennesse riverways, as well as the coast of Florida. Thank you for visiting, and don't forget to drop us a note!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Day 58

Almost two months on the water. And we are so close. We got some really good news today. The contact that Grant had in St Petersburg called us back today and informed us that we could tie up to his dock! This is perfect because we were stressing out about finding a good marina close to Tampa. Everything we were finding was full, expensive, or too far north or south. What a blessing! This decreases the stress level a little bit…

Some really bad news, Grant got the bill for the repairs and it was a bit excessive. The marina charged him $100 for lifting the boat 5 ft. out of the water for ½ hour, and $75 for allowing the mechanic to do work on the premises!! Man, the marnia is making out on this one, the mechanic who worked on the boat for 3.5 hours made less than the marina for their 15 minutes of work!!

We are still preparing to leave tomorrow. We will be getting up very early and leaving before it even gets light. We have about an hour’s trip to get to the gulf, so we want to make it there by daylight. We are still only going to Steinhatche. We don’t want to chance the motor causing us problems…


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