Big River

Welcome to the Journal of our adventures along the trip down the Mississippi... It contains accounts of actual happenings... at least the parts we can tell you!! The trip entails 2 months of marine living while we traverse the Mississippi & Tennesse riverways, as well as the coast of Florida. Thank you for visiting, and don't forget to drop us a note!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Day 25

Up at 7:30 and on the water by 8:00. Had a little difficulty trying to find the channel in the morning, we were between the buoys, but the water was only 4 feet deep, fortunately there was an alternate route, so we took that and had no trouble… Tabbie drove most of the day today from upstairs. After noon the clouds broke and we had a beautiful sunny day of 70 degrees. We even stopped at 2:30 for a swim… Yes, I said swim – we are in the water on November 17th!! It was a little chilly, but hard to resist since the water is soooo much cleaner than the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and it was such a calm day on the river. The Tennessee River is absolutely beautiful, and there must be numerous state parks or protected shoreline, because there are few homes along the river. Building sites are perfect though… Maybe we should live in Kentucky/Tennessee along the river or on Kentucky lake…It reminds us of Minnesota/Wisconsin except that the average temperature during the winter is 45 degrees.

We arrived at a Marina called Pebble Isle Marina around 5pm. Tabbie had some mail directed to the town of New Johnsonville which is the town that this marina rests in. The sky was clear and brightly light up with every star in the sky. It won’t last long as they are calling for rain for the next 7 days. When will it end????? A nice gentleman greeted us by the name of Sam, who had stayed after to wait for us. Sam was a little deaf with a dry sense of humor, but if he couldn’t hear whether or not we were laughing at his bad jokes, I guess it didn’t hurt him. We settled in for the night and Tabbie made a dinner of Salmon with Parmesan rice and salad. To bed early tonight, Tabbie is excited to get her mail tomorrow…..


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